Media Diet: My Proposal

Photo courtesy of Business Insider
Photo courtesy of Business Insider

My Media Data Diet

From my test week, I reached the conclusion that my data usage defined my media consumption on my smartphone. Nearly all of the applications I used during my 3.8 hours on my smartphone every day relied on data. So, to test how much I really need my smartphone to capture data, and how much I really need those applications that rely so much on data, I am planning to go on a data diet. Sometime next week, my smartphone will enter a temporary data dead zone for 72 hours, during which my iPhone will solely act as a phone and a text-message communicator. During this period, I will note which apps I actually need to go about my day, what workarounds I can think of, and how my absence from data retrieval affects my knowledge of the outside world. In fact, I will note down as much as I can during this data diet, from emotional reactions to social effects. Will I be able to neglect data on my smartphone for 72 hours? Stay tuned as this college student attempts to do what not many college students do…use a “dumb” phone!